Phase 1 judging panel

The Phase 1 judging panel will be announced soon.

Phase 1 review panel

Reviewers scored submissions according to the selection criteria. Top-scoring proposals will be advanced to the judging panel for further evaluation. The review panel, named below, included a global, multidisciplinary group of experts in AI, biodiversity conservation, sustainable proteins, power grid optimization, and climate and nature.

  • Vivek Adhia, Boston Consulting Group
  • Sacha Alanoca, Stanford University
  • Maggie Aleksic, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
  • Ronnie Alves, Vale Institute of Technology
  • Sotiria Anagnostou, Soana Climate
  • Ananth Aravamudan, Villgro
  • Ed Bayes, General Purpose
  • Norhan Bayomi, MIT
  • Farah Benahmed, Breakthrough Energy
  • Emil Bethe, Climate-KIC
  • Amrita Bhandari, Acumen
  • Irene Blanchard-Wu, Amazon Web Services
  • Brandon Blasser, Ecosystem Investment Fund
  • Leonardo Bravo-Thais, Nexa Resources
  • JD Brown, Biophilic Cities Network
  • Steve Brumby, Impact Observatory
  • Legand Burge, Howard University
  • Christina Cameron, Orsted
  • Rafael Campos, Vox Capital
  • Nathan Chappell,
  • Inigo Charola, BioTech Foods SL (JBS subsidiary)
  • Yi Jean Chow, Clean Energy Ventures
  • Laura Valentine Chrobak, MBARI
  • Dan Cliff, Going VC
  • Sarah Cone, Social Impact Capital
  • Beth Conerty, Illinois Fermentation Agriculture Biomanufacturing (iFAB) Tech Hub
  • Maria Corradini, University of Guelph
  • Ben Cox, Rakuten
  • Nate Crosser, Blue Horizon
  • Schuyler Dalton, World Wildlife Fund
  • Charles Dawson, DOE Clean Energy Innovator Fellow
  • Alayna Van Dervort, The Big Wild
  • Stefan Dienstag, SOSV
  • Lane Dilg, Open AI
  • Linda Drabik, Marencik Solutions
  • Sanjeet Dutta, Artificial intelligence expert
  • Luthando Dziba, Wildlife Conservation Society
  • Regina Ehlinger, Comcast
  • Juara Elyas, Impact Playground
  • Lisa Feria, Stray Dog Capital
  • André Ferreira, Loka
  • Megan Fisher, Energy Lab
  • Kim Flores, Clear Current Capital
  • Andy Forest, STEAM Labs
  • Dr. Peter Fox-Penner, Brattle Group and Energy Impact Partners
  • Daniel Francis, FGS Global
  • Nimo Freitag-Bergström, Climate and nature expert
  • Joaquim Garcia, PSR
  • Matthew Gee, BrightHive
  • Sam Gill, Sylvera
  • Matt Goldklang, Man Group
  • Laurens Gomes, Boropasi Consulting
  • Brian Gong, Cameron Ventures
  • David Groarke, Indigo Advisory Group
  • Matthew Grohotolski, Nearly Human
  • Sudhanshu Gupta, Boston Consulting Group
  • Douglas Hague, UNC Charlotte School of Data Science
  • Sheeraz Haji, Zipdragon Ventures
  • Devina Hartono, Endeavor Indonesia
  • Karl Haviland, Haviland Software
  • Lennart Heim, Centre for the Governance of AI
  • Katie Heineman, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
  • Parker Hughes, Regen Ventures
  • Anastasia Ignatenko, AnastasiaX Group
  • Ghislain Irakoze, Wastezon
  • Brook S. Jackson, Partnership for NYC
  • Neil Jacobstein, Singularity University
  • Ahmad Jadallah,
  • Nicole Janssen, AltaML
  • Michael Jarrett, Duquesne University
  • Kelly Jiang, Bright Power
  • Taylor Johnston, Pfizer
  • Gaurav K, Veradigm
  • Srujana Kaddevarmuth, Artificial intelligence expert
  • Mark Kahn, Ominivore
  • Harry Kalms, CPT Capital
  • Sonam Kanungo, Crusoe
  • Panagiotis Kasnesis, ThinGenious PC
  • Trevor Keenan, UC Berkeley
  • Edwin Keizer, Greenpeace
  • Dr. Harry Kennard, University of Texas
  • Tahniat Khan, Vector Institute
  • Shweta Khushu, Vector Institute
  • Emily Kirsch, Powerhouse
  • Kyle Kittelberger, University of Utah
  • Mechthild von Knobelsdorff, Delegate Group
  • Vishant Kothari, World Resources Institute
  • Bjarke Kovshøj, Climate-KIC
  • Conner Lachenbruch, Conservation International
  • Alex Lavaee, Harvard
  • Fion Lee-Madan, Fairly AI
  • Lance Legel,
  • Ka Yi, Ling Ph.D, Sustainable Kalture
  • Orges Llupa, Tribe AI
  • Mai Ly, Regen Ventures
  • Matt Lythe, Lynker Analytics
  • Cecilia Ma, Norrsken VC
  • Dr. Mojdeh Mahdavi, US Ignite
  • Erik Maroney, Hudson Pacific Properties
  • Edward Isingoma Matsiko, Pearl Capital Partners
  • Charlotte Matthews, CMat Advising
  • Melodie McGeoch, Monash University
  • Sheila A. McKenna Ph.D., National Park Service
  • Angela Mecha, Nature Kenya
  • Helena Merk, Streamline Climate
  • Milind, Mercedes-Benz Singapore Pte. Ltd.
  • Caio Maciel, Nexa Resources
  • Abraham Miller-Rushing, National Park Service
  • Gabriel Millien, AI and Technology Advisory
  • Craig Mills, World Resources Institute
  • Katherine Moldow, Powerhouse
  • Steve Molino, Clear Current Capital
  • Arne Mooers, Simon Fraser University
  • Topaz Mukulu, Patrick J. McGovern Foundation
  • Dylan Muscat, Plotly
  • Sanjay Nadhavajhala, Acorn Labs
  • Madhuri Nanda, Rainforest Alliance
  • Victor Ndiege, Kenya Climate Ventures
  • David J. Neff, Ecliptic Capital
  • Lorena Neira, Blusink
  • Brendan Ng, Everbridge
  • Mikkel Krogsgaard Niss, C4 Carbon Capture Cluster Copenhagen
  • Carlos Nobre, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Miguel Nogueira,
  • Linus Okoro, College of the Marshall Islands
  • Phoebe Oldach, Basecamp Research
  • Ana Oliveira, CoLAB +Atlantic
  • Cecil Ouma, African Institute of Mathematical Sciences – Research and Innovation Center
  • Norma Padron, Nayya
  • Stuart Pimm, Duke Nicholas School of the Environment
  • Hugh Possingham, University of Queensland, Accounting for Nature, Biodiversity Council
  • Chandler Precht, Columbia University
  • Vishnu Rajeev, Avaana Capital
  • Ram Rohan Ramanathan, US Ignite
  • Lubaina Rangwala, World Resources Institute
  • Andrea Emilio Rizzoli, Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (USI-SUPSI)
  • Kevin Rodrigues, Venture capital investor
  • Dr. Anna Rumyantseva, Databricks
  • Vivek Sakhrani, Atlas AI
  • Fernando Seve Salud, EY Philippines
  • Dr. Costa Samaras, Carnegie Mellon University
  • David Sandalow, Columbia University
  • Eric Sanderson, New York Botanical Garden
  • Friso Schmid, Rainforest Alliance
  • Maddie Segal, PBFA
  • Senthujan Senkaiahliyan, University Health Network
  • Payal Shah, PwC
  • Var Shankar, Enzai
  • Dean Sherry, De Novo Foodlabs
  • Federico Restrepo Sierra, Impact Hub Medellín
  • Leehee Skuler, GITA – the Global Impact Tech Alliance
  • Alexandra Soezer, Climate Action Center of Excellence
  • Michelle Solomon, Energy Innovation
  • Anu Sreedhar, Partnership for NYC
  • Aishwarya Srinivasan, Microsoft
  • Dionysios Stamatiadis, piq energy
  • Adam Stinelli, CEBA
  • Ria Stout, Rainforest Alliance
  • Jennifer Sullo, Antheia
  • Rashid Sumaila, The Institute for Oceans and Fisheries and the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia
  • Peter Sun, Climactic
  • Kevin Sutherland, Isometric
  • Kristen Tadrous, Aspen Institute Business & Society Program
  • Mahlodi Tau, The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)
  • Elizabeth Taylor, Future Brain Trust
  • Dakshesh Thacker, Climate and nature expert
  • David Thau, World Wildlife Fund
  • Hendrik Tiesinga, Climate Edge
  • Tushar Tiwari, Infrablok
  • Rodrigo Rodriguez Tornquist,
  • Marissa Valley, New York City Department of Transportation
  • Alexis Vanderhye, Material Innovation
  • Sinclair Vincent, Verra
  • Jan David Mueller Vollmer, Regenerative Impact Ventures LLC
  • Ari Wallach, Longpath Labs and Futurific Studios (
  • Neil Walmsley, Climate-KIC
  • Kevin Webb, Super Organism
  • Dr. Michael Webber, University of Texas
  • Rain Runxia Wen, Milkomeda Capital/Stanford University
  • Jeannette Wing, Columbia University
  • Christian Schroeder de Witt, University of Oxford
  • Zona Xu, Advance
  • Sam Young, Energy Systems Catapult
  • Juliane Zeidler, WWF Namibia

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