A multidisciplinary group of experts will evaluate submissions based on the following equally weighted criteria and will recommend awardees for each phase.
In Phase 1, an expert review panel will score proposals according to the selection criteria. The proposals with the highest scores will advance to the multidisciplinary judging panel, composed of experts at the intersection of AI, climate, and nature. The judges will recommend up to 30 teams to be selected as Seed Grantees. The Bezos Earth Fund will determine the final slate of Seed Grantees, who will each receive $50,000 in funding and an invitation to move onto the next phase of the Grand Challenge.
In Phase 2, judges will evaluate submissions according to the Phase 2 selection criteria and recommend up to 15 awardees. The Bezos Earth Fund will confirm the final slate of awardees. After completing a Bezos Earth Fund grant agreement, each team will each receive up to $2 million to close the gap between concept and viability.